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50+ professional teachers


Trusted by 5000+ students
About HorizonITProfessionals
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With the best of computer experts, we have come together through ‘HorizonITProfessionals’, based in United States of America, to create a common platform to enhance your competency. It is not an easy task to become an IT expert. With little guidance and negligible opportunities they have strived hard to pave way. There is a visible gap in budding talent and industry expectations. We aspire to bridge the gap.
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<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 150</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 200</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 170</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 100</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
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Transform Access To Education
HorizonITProfessionals is the unique IT training online center, to create a huge number of job opportunities.
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<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 40</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 150</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 200</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 170</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 100</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span>
The Fact
HorizonIT's Mission is to Polish your skill
We aim to provide placement support to all the emerging techies.
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Our testimonials
What they saying?
Amazing Courses
I received my certificate, and I would like to thank you for your support. Your course was challenging, but you were always there supporting me. Thank you team!

Kevin Smith
Amazing Courses
Thanks Thomson and Elly for your amazing workshops. I've taken a lot of training courses and can genuinely say that yours is the very best. Course is Excellent!

Jessica Brown
Amazing Courses
In addition, all the classes are recorded, which makes it easy to go back in and review what has been taught. Overall I am very impressed with the learning. Good work!

David Anderson
Why Choose Us?
Benefits of Learning from HorizonIT
Each course is designed to thoroughly understand and master all the concepts. We provide continuous support during the learning process. We provide explicit real time scenarios during hands on training. We administer through regular levels of assessment. We provide training the various advanced domains
Start learning from our experts and enhance your skills

Trusted by 5000+ students
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